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A compact and bustling neighborhood where residents and workers speak dozens of different languages, the International District is one of Seattle's most exciting neighborhoods for food lovers of all stripes. Here are some of the area’s many sources of sweet treats.
last updated 11/10/12
AC Ambrosia Cafe.....619 S King St.....206 / 623-9028
Taiwanese bubble tea
AP A Piece of Cake.....514 S King St.....206 / 623-8284
Hong Kong style cakes
CH Cakehouse, My Favorite.....620 S Weller St.....206 / 223-2766
Asian cakes and pastries
DK Dim Sum King.....617 S Jackson St.....206 / 682-2823
Chinese snacks and sweets
DL Duk Li Dim Sum.....664 S Weller St.....206 / 340-6122
Chinese snacks and sweets
FB Fuji Bakery.....526 S King St.....206 / 623-4050
Japanese / French pastries
GE Gossip Espresso & Tea.....651 S King St.....206 / 624-5402
Taiwanese style tea and drinks (avocado shake, green tea with grapefruit)
HP Henry's Taiwan Plus.....522 S King St.....206 / 682-0389.....*cl. Sun/Mon
Taiwanese desserts (red bean soup, fresh fruit smoothies)
LC Liana Cafe House.....511A Maynard Ave S.....206 / 682-3163..... *no cards
Chinese desserts & snacks (shaved ice, almond cookies, water chestnut cake)
MH Mon Hei Bakery.....669 S King St.....206 / 624-4156
Chinese bakery (moon cakes, cocktail bun, winter melon crisp)
NA New An Dong.....601 S King St.....206 / 624-1684
Chinese-style herbal snacks and remedies (dried ginger, orange peel with licorice)
OT Oasis Tea Zone.....519 6th Ave S.....206 / 447-8098
Pan-Asian drinks & desserts (avocado "snow", dessert waffle, Nutella wontons)
PC Pacific Cafe Hong Kong Kitchen.....416 5th Ave S.....206 / 682-0908
Hong Kong style desserts
PH Panama Hotel Tea & Coffee.....605 S Main St.....206 / 223-9242
Tea, coffee, and Japanese-accented treats (Setsuko cookies,Tokara confections)
PP Phnom Penh.....660 S King St.....206 / 748-9825.....*cl. Wed
Cambodian desserts with a twist (durian custard, three-bean shake)
RL Red Lantern.....520 S Jackson St.....206 / 682-7211
Modern Asian desserts (red tea tiramisu, black tea creme brulee)
SB Sun Bakery.....658 S Jackson St.....206 / 622-9288
Vietnamese-French pastries and cakes
SF Sweet & Fresh Bakery.....610 8th Ave S.....206 / 682-7030
Hong Kong style bakery (roll cake, creme caramel)
SS Sub Sand.....419 6th Ave S.....206 / 682-1267
Street treats straight from Hong Kong (egg puff, ginger milk custard)
TC Tsue Chong.....800 S Weller St.....206 / 623-0801.....*cl. Sun; no cards
TS Thai Curry Simple.....406 5th Ave S.....206 / 327-4838
Homestyle Thai desserts (banana roti, pumpkin custard)
UW Uwajimaya.....600 5th Ave S.....206 / 624-6248
Pan-Asian snacks, candy, and pastry
YF Yick Fung.....718 S King St.....206 / 623-5124 x133.....*entry by ticket
Chinese snacks display ("Tourist" plums, brown candy)
YH Yummy House Bakery.....522 6th Ave S.....206 / 903-8283
Hong Kong style cakes and breads (sponge cake, mango mousse, Mexican bun)